Shaping the future with sustainable styrenics

We strive to provide circular, low-carbon styrenics that are safe and sustainable for our customers and end-users. We do this by taking a responsible approach to our product portfolio across the entire value chain.

Our strategy

Our sustainable products

Sorting styrenics

Polystyrene recycling

ABS recycling

Using renewable resources

Our strategy

Styrenics and polystyrene in particular are also very well suited for the circular economy. With existing technology, they can easily be sorted out of the waste stream and then be recycled using a broad range of recycling technologies, resulting in high quality products suitable for all styrenics applications, including food contact, and avoiding downcycling. By taking a holistic approach and examining our entire value chain, we want to ensure that the use of this valuable material is maximised in every step of its entire life cycle. Therefore, we are creating drop-in sustainable styrenics solutions having product performance and properties on par with conventional solutions – for all applications using styrenics today and in the future. We have undertaken a significant amount of effort to analyse our products and production processes from cradle-to-grave and cradle-to-gate and are now focusing on developing the best pathways to unlock the true potential of styrenics for a circular, low-carbon economy.

Our sustainable products

We are committed to providing our customers with the best solutions for their business.

INEOS Styrolution ECO, our new family of sustainable styrenics solutions comprises products made from recycled post-consumer plastic waste as well as materials based on renewable feedstock.

As this new product range matches the performance of our existing product portfolio, it will reduce our greenhouse gas footprint, reduce the amount of post-consumer waste going to landfill, support the recycling of post-consumer plastic waste, and help our customers meet their sustainability targets.

Click here for an overview of our styrenics product portfolio.

Sorting styrenics

The sorting of plastics waste is the essential step in the waste management of mixed plastics waste streams. Effective sorting and washing of plastics waste can divert this valuable resource from either incineration or landfill to deliver material with the required quality and specifications needed for recycling.

With new innovative NIR technology and state-of-the-art washing, high-quality recycled polystyrene is now technologically feasible, and we are currently aiming to get recycled polystyrene with a purity of 99.9% plus out of household waste. This will ensure a consistent and high-quality supply of material that can then be recycled.

As part of our efforts to bring high-quality recycled ABS to the market, we have identified various waste sources. This, in combination with state-of-the-art sorting technology and our manufacturing expertise can help us deliver a consistent, high quality of recycled ABS.

Polystyrene recycling

Polystyrene is not only a versatile, aesthetic, and durable material, it is also one of the most recyclable polymers. It is one of the best sortable plastics in the waste stream, its barrier properties block possible contaminants, and its ideal ceiling temperature allows it to be depolymerised.

These unique properties allow it to be recycled using several different technologies from mechanical recycling and dissolution to advanced recycling methods such as depolymerisation, pyrolysis and gasification. These technologies offer recycled polystyrene matching virgin quality with no sacrifice in properties, thus enabling food-contact applications and nearly infinite recycling cycles. Therefore, we are working on different technologies in parallel to reach the recycling quota for polystyrene and offer this recycled material to our customers as soon as possible.

Click here to read more about how our polystyrene is made for recycling.

Polystyrene - Official communication of analyses

Initial Report on the Novel Technology

ABS recycling

ABS is a styrenics material that, due to its light weight, helps conserve energy and reduces fuel consumption in the automotive industry, reduces energy consumption by insulating buildings, and protects electronic equipment and household appliances with aesthetic and durable housings. Moreover, ABS is also entirely recyclable.

Mechanical recycling is the best available and proven technology to reuse end-of-life plastic waste on a short to medium term, and is currently the most feasible option for ABS. As this process is less energy-intensive, it has a much lower carbon footprint in comparison to conventional production processes and will reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill and incineration

Click here to read more about how we recycle ABS.

Using renewable resources

One of the primary aims of our sustainability strategy is to reduce our use of fossil fuel feedstock as well as our greenhouse gas emissions. We are now offering the integration of renewable feedstock as a raw material replacement for fossil fuel. This means we significantly reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and our use of fossil feedstock. Using a so-called “bio-attribution” approach, this substitution not only lowers the carbon footprint of our styrenics products but also paves the way towards low-carbon styrenics.

For our customers, this bio-attributed approach enables an easy transition from fossil to renewables as it offers a drop-in solution. Through this approach, we reduce the carbon footprint in our customer’s supply chain, and for them there is no compromise in performance, no product development necessary, no need to adapt technology and no new regulatory approvals needed.

Click here to read more about how we are using renewable resources as a raw material. 

Click here to read more about how we are shaping the future with sustainable styrenics.